Tuesday, July 29, 2008

LA Shorts Fest and Lil' Italy

Lil' Italy will play in it's entirety (5:30 minutes) at 12:45 pm at the Laemmle Sunset 5 Theaters at 8000 Sunset Blvd in West Hollywood, Ca on MONDAY, AUGUST 18th.
That was a mouthful.
Reasons I'm excited about this event. A. Because I have an excuse to go to California to promote something I made. 2. Because I'm damn proud of my lil' Italian kids, and am loking forward to their performance and the audience's reaction to said performance on the 18th of August at 12:45 pm. And Finally, D. Because Hot Dammit, it beats looking at my cat's tiny, lion mane-cut self all day.
SO, in summary-cartoon playing on the Boulevard of Sunsets in Hollywood West, just after the sun reaches it's highest point in the Monday of August the Eigthteenth's warm sky. Good day, kind sire, and please doth grab thine leather shield on thine way out of thine barracks.

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